Nehemiah's Wall


I have a morning routine. After a brief and largely ceremonial grooming ritual, I stagger in to my home office, sit down, and wake up the computer. Gently. Then two steps follow:

1. Check DrudgeReport to see if a nuclear device has been detonated in a major U.S. city overnight. If answer is, “No,” proceed to step 2.

2. Check Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans to see if my name has been added to the list overnight. If answer is, “No,” commence working.

This morning Drudge linked to a story about an archaeological find in Jerusalem.

Pottery shards found around an ancient wall that was discovered a while back suggests it is the construction project described in the book of Nehemiah. Of course, highly educated nincompoops have been suggesting for decades the the account in Nehemiah was fiction. But that has been the pattern with every biblical archaeological find in the last 100 years. First the “higher criticism” geniuses point to the utter lack of archaeological evidence to support a name or place in the Bible. In Phase II, some archaeological evidence appears to validate the Bible’s account but the experts are “dubious.” (That is the phase Nehemiah’s wall just entered.) Finally, incontrovertible proof emerges confirming the Bible’s accuracy and the experts change the subject.