Captive people long to be free.
After several generations of freedom, free people start longing to be taken care of:
- To be insulated from risk.
- To be immune from the consequences of their own bad choices.
- To have somone else look after their neighbor so they don’t have to.
- To be generous with other peoples’ money instead of their own.
A people can never be both free and taken care of.
Free people gradually trade their freedom for false promises of security and comfort.
The impulse to craft a governmental solution to every human ill is a religious impulse. It’s messianic at the root.
Big government is a false messiah. It promises utopia, heaven on earth, but can never deliver on those promises.
Freedom means equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
Real freedom means freedom to fail, pick yourself up, and start again.
+1 on all of that.