A Preview of Coming Distractions

Later on tonight, (I’ve got to get some paying work done first) I’ll post all of my post-election musings and meloncholia in one big, rambling, depressing dump. Then, having fully purged, I’ll go back to  posting mostly witty riffs on retro-future culture, oddball stuff I find on the web, and heart-warming anecdotes about parenting and such, for a while.

Yes, those of you hoping I’ll stop yammering and bellyaching about the culture and politics for a few minutes will get your wish.

I’m currently debating myself about whether to keep the Chris Matthews Leg site going beyond the election. It has somehow taken on a life of it’s own and actually gets a lot of traffic. (If somone knows the best way for me to turn that into a little cash for my trouble, please let me know.)

Speaking of earning cash . . . back to work now. It’s only 8pm and I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep.