Not Ashamed

Last words are important words. When in Acts 20, Paul summoned the elders of the church in Ephesus, he assumed it was the last time he would ever have a chance to impart instruction, doctrine, and encouragement to them. So please note what he said to them in closing:

And so now, I entrust you into God’s hands and THE MESSAGE OF HIS GRACE, which is ALL THAT YOU NEED TO BECOME STRONG. ALL OF GOD’S BLESSINGS are imparted THROUGH THE MESSAGE OF HIS GRACE, which he provides as the spiritual inheritance given to all of his holy ones.

Acts 20:32 TPT

This, friend, is why I’m always hammering away about Grace versus the Law. The Tree of Life versus that other tree. Resting in Jesus’ finished work versus striving to earn, merit, and qualify. The New Covenant versus the old.

It’s everything. It’s the key. It’s the good news . . . the Gospel . . . and I am not ashamed of it.