Deleted Scenes from Christmas Grace: “Jesus: A Prophet Like Moses”

Image: Wikimedia Commons

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me [Moses] from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him . . . The Lord said to me [Moses]: “. . . I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.”

Deuteronomy 18:15,17-19 NIV (additions mine)

One of the most obscure Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming Messiah King came from the lips of Moses near the end of his life. The final chapters of Deuteronomy represent Moses’ parting instructions to the Israelites as they prepared to enter and occupy the land of promise without him.

In the middle of those instructions, Moses pauses to prophesy. First, speaking for himself, he tells the nation that God will one day raise up, out of their midst, another prophet—one “like me,” Moses says. Then he repeats this prediction as a word from the Lord. This future Moses 2.0 prophet will speak everything God tells Him to say. God follows this with a warning: Those in Israel who do not heed the words of this future prophet, will answer directly to God. 

So, who fulfilled this prophecy? Who was this second prophet like Moses? Was it Samuel? Elijah? Isaiah, perhaps? Fortunately, we don’t have to speculate about that. The Word of God tells us plainly. 

In the third chapter of Acts, the Apostle Peter, freshly baptized in the Holy Spirit, preaches a sermon in the outer court of the Temple to the crowd that gathered to marvel at the miracle of the lame man who Peter and John healed in Jesus’ name. In verses 22 and 23, Peter explicitly states that Jesus was that promised prophet, like Moses. 

Most believers understand that Jesus became our High Priest and that He is our reigning King. But few Christians understand or even recognize the prophetic ministry of Jesus. Matthew 4:17 tells us that Jesus picked up John the Baptist’s prophetic mantle and message: “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!” For three years He crisscrossed Israel visiting “. . . all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom.” (Matthew 9:35 NIV)

Those among his countrymen who heeded His message had hearts prepared for the New Covenant message when it arrived on the Day of Pentecost. Those who rejected it suffered the imminent judgment of which both John and Jesus had repeatedly warned—just as Moses had foreseen. 

Before Jesus began His priestly mission in the final weeks of his life, He carried out a vital prophetic mission—one foreseen by Moses. That means that child of promise in Mary’s arms is not only destined to be our priest and king, but a prophet, too. 

Prayer of Declaration

Jesus, as a prophet to Israel, You spoke everything God told You to say, just as Moses prophesied. Your Holy Spirit, the One you promised and sent, carries on today, speaking to me everything You want me to know. Your Spirit leads me into all truth and shows me things to come. 

Want more insight like this? Get my devotional Christmas Grace: 31 Meditations and Declarations on the Greatest Gift Ever Given.

What a Coincidence

For a change of pace, I thought I’d share one of my favorite evidences for “design” in the universe. 

Many planets have moons. For we passengers on planet Earth, we have only one. Earth and moon orbit the sun together–two bodies twirling around each other in a gravitational dance on a cosmic stage.

And of course the sun is millions of times bigger than our moon. And yet . . .

From earth, the sun and the moon appear to be almost exactly the same size. This is a function of the moon’s size and distance from earth. 

In a randomly formed universe, the moon could have been any size and any distance from earth. Yet here, on seemingly the only place in this incomprehensibly vast universe perfectly situated to support life, we see this from our vantage point when they line up . . .

What a coincidence.

Share a Free Sample of My New Devotional

The good folks over at the YouVersion Bible app and the site Bible dot com have graciously provided a seven-day sample of devotions from my newest devotional.

Go “taste and see” that the book is good! Or if you already have the book, how about going over there anyway and using the “share” buttons to give your network of friends the good news. People love free stuff!

Go now!

The Podcast Has Launched!

Finally. It’s out there in the wild. A fun and illuminating weekly-ish exploration of the beauties and benefits of the New Covenant; featuring interviews and discussions with leading proponents of grace and rest through the finished work of Jesus.

Where can you find it? Pretty much everywhere podcasts are distributed.

But if you want the full effect . . . audio AND video . . . you’ll want to pop over to my YouTube channel and subscribe.

Now you can get encouragement and light for living a lifestyle of rest while you workout, do chores, or commute!

Special Preview Excerpt: “Escape the Funhouse”

Photo Credit: Corey Doyle: Creative Commons

My newest devotional, Praying Grace for Women: 55 Meditations and Declarations for beloved Daughters of of God is now available for pre-order on Amazon. I’ve poured 35 years of loving and praying for an amazing wife and three extraordinary daughters into it.

I believe, with all my heart, that it contains truths and keys that are vital for thriving in these times of cultural shaking. Such times can be disorienting, which is the subject of this particular entry, which lives in the section titled “Grace for Peace”:

Escape the Funhouse

Help, Lord! Save us! For godly ones are disappearing. Where are the dependable, principled ones? They’re a vanishing breed! Everyone lies, everyone flatters, and everyone deceives. Nothing but empty talk, smooth talk, and double-talk. Psalm 12:1–2
Photo Credit: Paolosanches – Own work, CC BY 4.0 

Have you ever been inside an old-school carnival “funhouse?” The kind with a maze of strange mirrors and optical illusions specially designed to trick and confuse you? Some mirrors make you look impossibly round. Others twist you into a bizarre hourglass or other shapes. Clusters of mirrors disorient you. Other rooms with tilted floors and angled walls toy with your sense of balance.

Doesn’t that sound like “fun?” No? Well, it seems, thanks to the internet and social media, we’ve all entered a type of global funhouse. Traditional, long-trusted sources of news and information have abandoned any pretense of objectivity and now simply serve as propaganda arms for one side or another in the “culture wars.”

Thirty years ago, our sources of information came from a mere handful of large media organizations operating exclusively in three realms: television, radio, and print. For better and worse, the internet and smartphones upended all of that. Today every individual on the planet is a “news source” and a pundit, offering opinions, perspectives, and interpretations of the news—often anonymously and therefore with NO accountability. Many have an axe to grind, a viewpoint to sell, a grudge to settle, or a cause to advance. Some deliberately lie. Many unwittingly share false or misleading information with their network of friends.

Perhaps the psalmist David prophetically saw our predicament when he wrote his cry of “Help, Lord!” to begin today’s key scripture passage. In a funhouse environment, you can’t trust your own eyes. In a similar way, you can’t even trust your own brain because of something psychologists call cognitive biases. For example, confirmation bias causes you to notice “facts” that harmonize with what you already believe while making you generally blind to information that contradicts that belief.

So, is there any good news here? Yes! David delivers it in verse six of the same chapter as today’s key passage:

“For every word Yahweh speaks is sure and reliable. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s as pure as silver refined seven times in a crucible of clay.”

Psalm 12:6

You have a sure, reliable, trustworthy, ever-present source of information and guidance living right inside of you: the Holy Spirit of God. “The Helper,” Jesus called Him. More trustworthy than your own perceptions and thought processes, He is your way out of the funhouse.

Prayer of Declaration:

The Holy Spirit is my Helper; I shall not be deceived. Today and every day I turn my attention away from the flattery, lies, and deceit of this world’s information systems and toward the faithful flawless Words of my God. I trust in Him and do not lean to my own understanding.

Praying Grace for Women, “Escape the Funhouse”
It’s a lovely book.

New! And only for God’s Daughters

Now available for pre-order on Amazon.

My newest devotional, Praying Grace for Women, is now available for presale on Amazon. And I bet a question popped into your mind the moment you saw the title. It’s a question I address directly, right out of the gate in the Introduction to the book. Here are the opening paragraphs . . .

I know what you’re thinking: A devotional for women by a man? My hope is that you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt and dive into a few of the entries here before you dismiss me. I had compelling reasons to write the collection of meditations you hold in your hands.
For one thing, my journey through life has gifted me with a front-row seat for what daughters of God battle daily and what causes them to thrive in God. You see, I’m in my fourth decade of marriage to one such woman. I love and admire her more than I can express. I really, really like her, too. I know it’s a cliché, but she is my best friend.
Together, we were gifted with three daughters who, by God’s enabling grace, we’ve watched grow into remarkable women of God. Now our babies are having babies, and of our seven grandchildren, we count five girls in the mix. I’ve been surrounded by glorious femininity for about as long as I can remember.
I’m confident that if you were to ask any of these ladies if I have some helpful spiritual insights to share about appropriating God’s abundant grace for rest, peace, intimacy with God, and breakthrough, I’d get a rousing endorsement from them. (At least from the ones who can talk.)

Secondly, spiritual truth is spiritual truth. I was profoundly encouraged to discover my previous book, Praying Grace: 55 Meditations on the Finished Work of Christ, had struck a chord with many women. I’ve heard from many who expressed profound gratitude for that devotional over the last few years and have let me know that they are on their fourth, fifth, or ninth pass through the work. I believe this collection will also find a treasured place on the nightstands and end tables of many women of God.

Like my previous devotionals, Praying Grace and Christmas Grace, these 55 entries provide a key scripture verse, a meditation on that verse, and a special kind of prayer–a prayer of declaration–the puts the truth of that scripture on your lips.

All of them reveal life-giving insights about God’s goodness, the depths and breadth of Jesus’ complete redemptive work on the cross, and very importantly, what the work means for you.

The devotions are divided into four sections:

  • Grace for Rest
  • Grace for Intimacy with God
  • Grace for Peace
  • Grace for Breakthrough

I’m hoping you’ll order in now. Why would you order a book that won’t be available for three more months? There is only one reason. It will help and bless me. Preorders are helpful to authors, especially ones that no one has ever heard of (like yours truly).

I wrote out of love for these people:

We’ve added one more girl since this picture was taken.

Praying Grace for Women contains things that I want the women I love the most to know the best. I suspect it will bless you or the woman you love the most, too.